Best of New Leaf Designs – My most popular patterns

Best of New Leaf Designs – My most popular patterns

Best of New Leaf Designs


As much as I love producing new design after design, sometimes it’s worth taking the time to look back at what we’ve already done. Future planning is one of my favourite things to do, but it also means that I sometimes put too much on my plate and end up with looooong to-do lists. I have to remind myself to breathe, take a step back, and appreciate what I’ve already accomplished.

So this blogpost I’m dedicating to my Top 4 of most popular crochet and knitting designs.

The Crochet Rabbithole Cardigan

Number 1: The Crochet Rabbithole Cardigan

The most popular design on my website is by far the Crochet Rabbithole cardigan. I designed it during a time where the whole crafting world seemed to be taken by storm by the granny stripe blanket. Although I love making blankets, I love it even more if I can actually wear a handmade item. And how good does a wearable blanket sound, am I right?

Find the free crochet pattern here.

Find the paid PDF version here in my Ravelry shop.

And here in my own webshop.


The Cosy Moments Shawl

Number 2: The Cosy Moments Shawl

The Cosy Moments Shawl started as a MAL (Make-a-long) hosted in the Scheepjes Facebook Groups. It became a huge success and as it was just published before lockdown started in most countries, I was glad to offer people a distraction from all the news. So many new knitters joined in and I was amazed at everyone’s beautiful shawls!

The free knitting pattern is divided in four parts, find the first one here. Parts 2, 3 and 4 are linked at the bottom of this blogpost.

Rather have the pattern all together in 1 easy printable?

Get the paid PDF version from my Ravelry store here.

Or from my New Leaf Webshop here.

Simple Toe Up Socks

Number 3: Simple Toe Up Socks

My Simple Toe Up Socks pattern was published somewhere in 2017 and it was the first pattern I did step-by-step tutorial videos for. Still to this day, people are learning to knit socks via these videos!

Find the written pattern here.

And find the first part of the tutorial videos here.


The Chevrainbow Blanket

Number 4: The Chevrainbow Blanket

The Chevrainbow Blanket was probably the first design where I went out of my comfort zone with colours. Before I had always thought that I didn’t like too many colours, that it wasn’t my thing. But good LORD I simply fell in love with this blanket while I was making it. The quick colour changes make for an irresistible project, even though the pattern is very simple.

Find the free pattern here on my blog.

If you prefer an easy printable (handy to have the colour order printed out), you can get it from my Ravelry store here.

And also from my New Leaf Webshop here.

These are not only my four most popular designs, but also the designs with the most community makes! With these I mean the project pages added in Ravelry. It’s really quite fun to browse through the pages to see how people have interpreted my designs and the colours that they’ve chosen.


Thank you so much for reading! If you would like to support my work further, please do consider becoming a New Leaf patron on my Patreon page. For a small fee per month you get access to a whole library of tutorial videos! A huge thank you to all of my existing patrons!

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Best of New Leaf Designs – My most popular patterns