It’s the start of a brand new week and I have something snazzy to show you! My crochet experiment from last week has worked out quite well, and I’m so …
Do you suffer from castonitis? Do you have multiple WIP syndrome? Are you a project hoarder? Does this all sound familiar to you? Then I have some advice for you! If …
New year, new beginnings! And of course, new crochet projects! Although I’m more of a knitter during wintertime – don’t really know why, I just tend to knit more in …
As a crochet and knitwear designer, I’ve actually been pretty lucky most of the time. Very early on in my designing days I got the opportunity to work with the …
Ah, a fresh, new year! I don’t know about you, but I feel particularly good about 2018. I have so many plans! But before I talk about my plans for …
*Dutch only* Mijn vriend en ik houden van natuurlijke en/of robuuste elementen in ons interieur. Een bakstenen muur, mooie planten, en natuurlijk veel hout. Als we bij een meubelstuk de …
Now, for something you’re not at all expecting from me: a papercraft tutorial! It’s been ages since I have made anything out of paper, although I loved papercraft as a …
There’s a brandnew Craftsy class availabe, and let me tell you, it is awesome!! Meet Lesley Anne Robinson, Brioche master and designer behind Knitgraffiti. You have probably seen some of her amazing …
Vandaag was het dan zover: ik ging naar de Kreadoe 2017! Ik mocht de hele dag staan bij de Scheepjes stand, en wat was het gezellig en druk! Ontzettend veel …