Yarndale vlog and haul!

Scheepjes at Yarndale 2018

Yarndale vlog and haul!

Hello hello! It’s been two weeks since I’ve attended the 2018 Scheepjes Bloggers days and Yarndale, and I’m still daydreaming about the lovely time we all had there.. So so wonderful! I’ve put together a video with lots of footage on the Scheepjes bloggers days, some designing sneak peeks here and there, and I recorded a lot during the Yarndale festival as well. Afterwards you can stick around to watch my massive haul where I show all of my yarny purchases.

I had such a great time at Yarndale, it was fun meeting a lot of people I knew from Instagram already, and also meeting you guys! I had a lot of people come up to me and say they really enjoy watching my podcasts, or that they’ve made one of my designs, and it’s just so heartwarming, and motivating for me as well.

At Yarndale the other Scheepjes bloggers and myself were at the Scheepjes stand, which was a very lovely stand indeed! Each of us were at the stand for half a day on Saturday, and half a day on Sunday. The rest of the day we got to browse the marketplace. A lot of people from the UK who had never squished a Scheepjes ball of yarn before were really excited to finally get to see and feel the yarn, and we were asked a lot how to pronounce the brand name, haha. Scheepjes did a fun video on that as well, have a look here.

If you’d like to hear more about the craft fair, have a look at the video above! Hope you’ll enjoy xx

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Yarndale vlog and haul!