Fun with Buddleia Dyeing

Fun with Buddleia Dyeing

Natural Dyeing with Flowers

Dyeing yarns or fabrics with natural materials is so much fun, and especially when you can find dye plants in your own garden. For most of my yarn dyeing, I have purchased dyeing materials such as madder root and cochineal, but how fun is it to forage for dye!

Did you know you can get beautiful yellow dye from Buddleia flowers? The Buddleia bush is also called Butterfly bush (Dutch: Vlinderstruik), and in June-August you can harvest dried flowers to create yellow dye. When you snip off dead flowers, it stimulates the plant to grow more flowers, so win-win!

Find my dyeing tutorial for this process here. Maybe you have some white yarn or fabric to overdye, or perhaps even an old blouse or teatowel? Have fun with it!

Please do note that natural yellow dye fades quickly in the sun. Do NOT leave your yarn out in the sun to dry, and store it in a closed cabinet.

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Fun with Buddleia Dyeing