Chevron Boulevard Shawl crochet pattern – out now!

Chevron Boulevard Shawl crochet pattern – out now!


model wearing chevron boulevard shawl draped across shoulders
Photo credit: Inside Crochet magazine and Leanne Jade Photography

Chevron Boulevard Shawl crochet pattern

The Chevron Boulevard Shawl crochet pattern is available now in my pattern stores!

Get the pattern here in my own webshop:

New Leaf Webshop

It’s also available in my Ravelry shop:

Ravelry Shop

model wearing crochet shawl wrapped around neck
Photo credit: Inside Crochet magazine and Leanne Jade Photography

Share your shawl

I would love to see you sharing pictures of your shawl on social media. On Instagram, please use the tags #chevronboulevardshawl and #newleafdesigns. You can also tag me so I can see your photo and share it!

If you have a Ravelry account, I would really appreciate it if you create a project page for your shawl – or any other New Leaf pattern that you have made. This way, people can browse through projects and see different colourways of the same shawl. They can read about your experience with the pattern and this will help them decide if they want to purchase the pattern. The more projects the better, so I’m always super grateful for people taking the time to create a Ravelry project page. Thank you!

Pattern help

Share your in progress pictures and ask questions about the pattern in my Facebook group: New Leaf Designs Knitting & Crochet Crew! Be sure to answer the questions when you apply for quick admission into the group.

This beautiful rainbow version is made by Linda, and uses Scheepjes Whirl Cotton Candy man with Scheepjes Maxi Baby Blue

Or would you rather go for this ice-cream pastel version? Carna used Scheepjes Whirl Melting Macaron and Scheepjes Maxi Lime Juice for this stunning sample. NOTE: Scheepjes Maxi Lime Juice is sold out at most places now, a nice substitute is another very light pastel colour such as Powder Pink or Lilac Mist.

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  1. Victoria
    January 24, 2021 at 11:00 pm — Reply

    Hi, I love this so much. I just don’t quite understand how I carry the yarn at the edge? Trying to do this with 2 whirls . Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks

    • February 1, 2021 at 3:02 pm — Reply

      Hello Victoria, thank you for your comment! In the pattern there is a section called ‘pattern notes’, where I have explained how I carry the yarn up at the sides. There’s really nothing else to it 🙂
      Happy crocheting!

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Chevron Boulevard Shawl crochet pattern – out now!