What’s your oldest WIP?
I think I have a confession to make.. my oldest WIP (Work in Progress) is about 10 years old! Yes I know, what?! It’s a crochet bird I started sometime in 2015. In the picture above you can see one in progress. I actually did finish that one in the beginning of 2015, but I started another one shortly after which – you guessed it – is still in one of my plastic IKEA tubs, unfinished.
And, who knows, you might not have a WIP that’s beyond 2 years old. But I’m willing to bet that you have a project you don’t really want to work on. A sweater project with just the sleeves left to go. A singular sock that needs a buddy.
A project with 300+ stitches that just needs to be cast off (I’ve been there).
Or your Sassenach cushion that’s been waiting on the zipper – hey, no judgement!
I know these aren’t fun things to do, but you’ll feel SO much better after doing them. And I’ve got just the thing to motivate you..
Announcing the:
In the Alright Fine Make-along, we’ll be working on those languishing works-in-progress you really don’t want to work on.
You know, those projects you’ve almost forgotten but still have a little nagging voice in the back of your head.. “You should really work on this” -but I don’t want to! “You’ve got to..” ‘Alright fiiiiiine….. That project is what I want you to focus on.
In just 3 weeks, we’ll get a chunk of work done on those old WIPs. Maybe you’ll finish them, maybe you won’t, but you will feel SO much better that you picked them up in the first place.
Starting next Sunday!!
Use the hashtag #AlrightFineMAL (yes fine with just one i) on your Instagram and Facebook pictures. If you want to join in more chatter, head over to my Facebook group!

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