Crochet Baby Projects

Crochet Baby Projects

I don’t know about you, but I’m at that stage in my life where suddenly ALL of my friends seem to be having babies. And you know what that means: baby projects! Baby blankets, softies, tiny little sweaters and socks, so cute!! So, while I’m deciding what to make for my friends’ babies, let me share some fabulous baby projects found on Ravelry.

Baby Blanket Robin

What a sweetheart! This blanket is designed by my friend Jellina from Jellina-Creations, and uses a clever illusion crochet technique to create the hearts. It’s designed for Scheepjes Catona, a 100% mercerized cotton yarn which is perfect for baby blankets since it can be washed in the washing machine. Find the pattern here.

Baby Soft Sweater

Baby clothes are so fun to make! One piece of advice though: wait until after the baby is born to decide which size you will make. Or if you don’t have another option: make it in the 6-12 months size or larger, and use a yarn that will be suitable for all seasons, such as cotton. If it fits in summer, perfect! If it turns out to fit in winter, the parents can always layer up. If you make a warm garment and the garment turns out to be too small when the next winter comes, that would just be too bad.

The Baby Soft Sweater pictured above is designed by Annelies Baes for the second issue of YARN bookazine by Scheepjes. It’s designed for Scheepjes Merino Soft, which is a wonderful yarn, but do note that it’s quite warm, so make sure you know which size to crochet. Find the pattern here.

Friendly Fox Plushy

Plushies are a relatively safe make for babies and toddlers since you don’t have to worry about sizing, or the item having to match the nursery’s decor. The Friendly Fox Plushy is made with Scheepjes Catona and Scheepjes Furry Tales. It’s fully washable and doesn’t have any parts that could come loose easily, making it a perfect make for babies!

Happy Little Tree Blanket

I love this blanket so much! Designed by Blanket Queen Rachele Carmona from Cypress Textiles, this little blanket is sure to brighten up any nursery. It’s made with Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed, which can be washed in the washing machine. So many colours, and I can just imagine the baby will love to explore those flowers with its little hands. Add some big wooden buttons and a rattle and you’ll have a sensory blanket! Find the pattern here.

JellyBean Baby Blanket

Scheepjes Whirls are amazing for baby blankets! This Jelly Bean Baby Blanket is designed by Stitchy Lass. The name Jelly Bean actually has a really cute story behind it, it was what they used to call her (at the time) unborn grandchild. How cute! I love all the different techniques used in this blanket, and how easy it is to make it larger if you have more than one Whirl cake, or want to extend it with a Whirlette. The Scheepjes Whirl used for this blanket is the Popin Candy colourway.

Charlie Blanket

You’ll recognize this beautiful blanket from the top of this blogpost! This blanket was named after the baby it was made for, Charlie. It was designed by my friend Kirsten from Haak Maar Raak in Scheepjes Merino Soft. I’ve seen this blanket in real life and it’s so stunning, soft and warm. And those bobbles!! Find the pattern for this beauty here, and while you’re at it do take a look at Kirsten’s other blanket patterns!

Frederik the Robin

Frederik the Robin is another super cute baby make. It’s made out of 100% cotton and the eyes are crocheted too, making it fully washable and baby-safe. His quirky shape, long dangly legs and squishy tail feathers (which you could also fill with crinkle fabric) will make it popular with kids for sure! Find the pattern here.

Baby Bear

I couldn’t help but include this bear plushy in this list of crochet baby projects, it’s so darn cute!! You’ll have seen it before in my post about Scheepjes Furry Tales, this is a design by Tatsiana Kupryianchyk, you can find the pattern here. This yarn is the softest ever, so I can tell this plushy will be a favourite!

Which baby project is your favourite? Please share in the comments below!

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  1. Madhurya
    January 9, 2020 at 8:25 am — Reply

    Ik heb helaas geen baby’s in mijn omgeving om iets voor te maken. Maar dat truitje van Annelies zou ik zeker gemaakt hebben als het wel zo was. Zó schattig!

    Groetjes Madhurya

    • January 15, 2020 at 5:58 pm — Reply

      Hoi Madhurya! Ja dat truitje is zó schattig he! Een vriendin van mij gaat in februari bevallen dus ik wacht nog even met kleertjes, maar voor de komende winter krijgt hij zeker een truitje van mij 🙂

  2. March 5, 2020 at 4:26 pm — Reply

    Thank you for including my design of the JellyBean Baby Blanket!
    I would like to offer a correction though. The pattern was named after my unborn grandchild at the time. His parents fondly called him JellyBean.
    The colour way used in the pattern is Popin Candy.

    A lovely feature of this pattern is that you can continue with the repeats as many times as you like to have a larger blanket.

    Thanks again!

    • March 5, 2020 at 5:38 pm — Reply

      Hello Debbie! Thank you so much for your comment, I’ll revise the blogpost right away. I’m not sure how I thought the blanket was named after the yarn, so silly of me. Thanks again!

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Crochet Baby Projects