Stardust – a touch of heaven… & giveaway!!

Stardust – a touch of heaven… & giveaway!!

**little disclaimer: the giveaway is for subscribers to my vlog, which is in Dutch. Sorry to the non-Dutch speaking folks!**

Het nieuwe garen van Scheepjes is uit! Het heet: Stardust, en het is een van de nieuwe ‘white label’ garens van Scheepjes, wat de luxe lijn voorstelt. En het is ook ontzettend luxe.. premium acryl, mohair, wol en een glimmertje erin, mmm!! Met een royale 540 meter per 100 gram bol voor maar €6,95.. Ik denk meteen aan omslagdoeken, handschoenen, misschien wel kerstballen? In ieder geval heeft het een kerstig tintje voor mij, echt een feestgaren. Bekijk de vlog voor meer informatie over het garen, en ook geef ik een bol weg! Als je mee wilt doen, abonneer je dan op mijn Youtube-vlog en zet een berichtje onder het filmpje. Veel kijkplezier! Hieronder vertaal ik de vlog dit keer even voor de niet-Dutchies onder ons 😉 

The new Scheepjes yarn is here!! Stardust, ‘a touch of heaven’, is one of the new white label yarns by Scheepjes, which is the luxury line of yarns. And it sure it luxurious! It has premium acrylic, mohair, wool and a soft glitter.. wonderful! With an astounding 540 meters (590 yards) on 100 grams for just €6,95… A beautiful yarn to make shawls with, don’t you think? Since the vlog review is in Dutch, I’ll give you some information about the yarn here. 

Stardust can be seen as a lace yarn because it is quite thin. The recommended needle size is 3mm to 3,5 mm (US sizes D/3 – E/4), which will give you a nice drape. I’ve crocheted and knit a swatch of this yarn and 3,5mm worked best for me as I like a drapier fabric. 

The yarn is supersoft and does not scratch! Really, this was quite hard for me to believe since glitter yarns are always scratchy. I tried rubbing it against my neck and ears to get it to scratch or itch, but it just didn’t feel itchy at all. I even let my boyfriend (who is very picky about yarns) try, and even he said it doesn’t scratch. Even though I’m telling you this you might need to find out for yourself, haha, I’m sure most of you don’t believe me. I must add that both me and my boyfriend don’t have very sensitive skin though, and we’re not allergic to any fiber that this yarn contains. 


Then, onto the glitter! I have to tell you, it is SO subtle.. I have never seen any glitter yarns like this, except for maybe the handdyed glitter sock yarns indie dyers have. It depends on the angle from where you’re viewing the yarn, the glitter doesn’t always show up. You can take a peek at the video to see what I mean, I just think it’s so pretty! My contact at Scheepjes told me she went through a lot of trouble to get us this result, and I’m so thankful she did, it is truly amazing. The yarn has a slight fluff because of the mohair, but the stitch definition is still great. A little further along in the video I’m showing swatches of the yarn which you might want to see. 

In the picture above you see my fave colourway, which is 662 Sagittarius. It has a mossy green, light brown and beige in it, so pretty! Can’t wait to see how these variegated ones turn out. There are 14 colours in total, 9 solids and 5 long variegated yarns. Each of them is named after a star constellation, so you have Virgo, Cassiopeia, Pisces and so on. 

There you go! I hope this gives you a better idea of the yarn than just a picture. I don’t know yet where this yarn will be stocked, but hopefully this review will give you enough confidence in the yarn to buy it online if your local yarn shop doesn’t stock it. 

What would you make with this yarn? Please share in the comment section!

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  1. Wendy van Delden
    November 21, 2016 at 4:14 pm — Reply

    Als eerste complimenten voor je geweldige blog! Ik zou de bol Stardus echt heel erg graag winnen!
    Groetjes, Wendy

    • November 21, 2016 at 4:50 pm — Reply

      Hoi Wendy! Bedankt voor het compliment 🙂 De giveaway vindt plaats op Youtube, als je daar een berichtje zet doe je mee! Groetjes Carmen

  2. November 22, 2016 at 12:08 pm — Reply

    net dit blog ontdekt, leuk hoor zoals je dit doet!

  3. […] to wear in the wintermonths, or to give as a gift! Did you see my review on this yarn yet? Visit this page if you […]

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Stardust – a touch of heaven… & giveaway!!