New Leaf Designs

Cosy Moments Shawl Week one – Projects roundup!

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Wow! Week one of the Cosy Moments MAL is almost up, and I’m LOVING all of your shawl projects! I thought I’d write a little blogpost with a couple of my favourites so far, starting with this beautiful lilac version by Amanda from Calm Nook Crafts, using Scheepjes Whirl Shrinking Violet. Such a gorgeous colourway, and the subtleness of the Ombré Collection Whirls works so well with this pattern! Very well done Amanda, it looks great!

Clockwise starting from top left:

  1. Wilma’s shawl in Scheepjes Whirl Turquoise Turntable – A wonderful showcase of the difference between straight needles (top) and circular needles (bottom). Looking great, Wilma!
  2. Kari’s shawl in Dandelion Munchies (Note: I was so proud of Kari’s lace knitting, and then her dog stole her knitting project right after this picture and tore it off the needles! I do hope you find the strength to start over Kari, it looked great!)
  3. Annelies’s shawl in Scheepjes Whirl Indigo Plane, lovely colour choice and very neat stitches!
  4. Ruth’s shawl in Scheepjes Whirl Tasty Nom Nom and Mohair Rhythm, ooh! I love a bit of mohair, and I’m so curious to see how this project turns out.

Clockwise starting from top left:

  1. Nathalie is going for the original colour: Scheepjes Whirl Turkish Delight. Looking great so far, Nathalie!
  2. Ria is making great progress on her shawl, in Scheepjes Whirl Strawberries and Scream. Lovely!!
  3. Helen’s shawl in Scheepjes Woolly Whirl Sugar Sizzle is off to a great start! I can’t wait to see the rest of that gradient unfold!
  4. Tuula says she’s now hooked to lace knitting – good to hear! She went with another beautiful pink colourway – Scheepjes Whirl Forbidden Fuchsia

I am SO SO proud of all the new knitters trying out this pattern. One of the Scheepjes Facebook group moderators Fiona is a highly skilled crocheter but hadn’t tried knitting that much yet, until I made her knit with this pattern! Haha 🙂 I’m so proud of her progress so far, look at those neat stitches! She is using Scheepjes Whirl Green Tea Tipple. Well done lovely!

Can we admire this beauty for a second? It’s the stunning sample made by my friend Tammy, a fellow knitting and crochet designer, and fellow Scheepjes blogger! She has used Scheepjes Whirl Dandelion Munchies, going from that perfect, sunny, egg-yolk yellow to a deep black. Wow!! Since she’s a pretty tight knitter she has added on some rows, re-knitting the first lace chart at the end. So creative! She has named her shawl the ‘Franken-cosy’ and I think it’s a very fitting name!

Talking about beauties, seeing this photo made me GASP! Look at it!! Theresa, one of the group moderators as well, was testing the pattern for me in Scheepjes Whirligig and I am in AWE of how it turned out. So stunning! She knit the full version of the pattern, adding about 40 grams of a ball of Whirligigette. With one ball of Whirligig you’re not able to finish the full version of the pattern, so I’ve made some alterations here and there in the pattern if you want to complete the shawl with 1 ball of Whirligig.

I can’t wait for my own Whirligig version to be finished now, I hope it will be as beautiful as Theresa’s version!

That’s it for this week, I’ve loved seeing all of your shawls and please do continue sharing pictures! You can do so in the Scheepjes Facebook Groups:

Scheepjes Facebook Group – International

Scheepjes Facebook Group – Dutch

Or you can share your pictures on Instagram and tag them with #cosymomentsshawl and #ValMAL. Thank you!!

Find the full version of the pattern HERE, or find the first part of the FREE pattern on my blog here.

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