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Glasgow School of Yarn

Glasgow School of Yarn

Have you heard about the Glasgow School of Yarn? It’s a brilliant yarn event that is held yearly in Glasgow, in one of the most beautiful buildings I’ve ever seen. And this year, I’ll be teaching there! I’m so excited and will tell you all about it in this post.

Where is the festival held?

The Glasgow School of Yarn is held at the Trades Hall of Glasgow, a beautiful historic building in the centre of Glasgow. It’s very easy to reach with public transport, and in fact my friends here in Scotland have advised me to avoid driving in Glasgow at all costs haha, so I’ll be taking the train myself as well. Glasgow has two train stations, Glasgow Central and Queens Street, both of which are a short 10 minute walk from the venue.

When is the festival held?

Glasgow School of Yarn starts on October 18th 2024 with a Gala Evening, a perfect kickstart to the event! During the gala evening there will be drinks and nibbles, and you’ll get early access to the marketplace and a goodie bag.

Get Your Gala Ticket Here

On Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th of October, you can visit the marketplace with all the amazing vendors. Doors open at 11am, and if you have a deluxe ticket you can get in early at 10am. The marketplace closes at 5:30pm.

Marketplace Tickets



I’m delighted to announce that I will be teaching two classes at the Glasgow School of Yarn! One is an in-depth talk about Colour Theory, and the second is a class on how to Design your own Colourwork Motif.

How to Use Colour Theory in your Craft

Colour is a big part of knitting, crocheting, embroidery, or any other craft. Whether you want to know more about creating great colour combinations, learning which colours suit your wardrobe best, or learning how to re-create a colour, this is the class for you!

In this talk I will walk you through the colourwheel using blended roving. We all know painting artists start their studies with the colourwheel, but why do we as fibre artists often overlook this step? Learning how to blend the entire colourwheel from the primary colours in wool roving allows you to open up your eyes to colour. Learn to distinguish cool colours from warm colours. Learn about complementing colours, and which colours make up that perfect shade of brown.

After this class, participants will find it easier to pair colours for their upcoming projects, and for example to find replacement yarns in case you have run out of the original yarn. If you have ever been told you ‘cannot wear colour XYZ because it’s too warm/cool for you’, this class is especially helpful in finding an alternative for your favourite colour.

There will be roving kits available at this talk for any students wishing to blend their own colourwheels at home.

This talk is held on Saturday October 19th from 10:30am-12:00pm.

Colour Theory Tickets

Design Your Own Colourwork Motif

What makes a ‘good’ colour combination for stranded colourwork knits? When do you need more contrast, and when can you get away with a subtle contrast?

In this Masterclass we are delving deep into colour theory and different kinds of colour contrast. I will bring lots of examples of both ‘good’ and ‘bad’ colour combinations so participants can see what kind of effect you can create by using different colours.

Some colourwork motifs need less contrast, while others need as much contrast as they can get. After this class, participants can more easily create their own colourwork colour palettes that they will love to knit and wear.

After learning some colour theory participants put their newly gained knowledge to the test by creating their own colourwork charts that they can later knit at home. Please note: there is no knitting instruction involved during this class.

This class is a lot of fun for knitters who want to develop their designing skills, and also for knitters who want to be able to customize existing colourwork patterns.

Materials: Participants are asked to bring a small mirror, preferably square or rectangular but round works as well. Some mirrors are provided during the class but not enough for each participant.

This class is held on Saturday October 19th from 2pm-5pm.

Colourwork Motif Tickets

I am very much looking forward to teaching both of these classes, I hope to see you at this wonderfully woolly event in October!

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