New Leaf Designs

Zoom Knit Togethers!

Zoom Knit Togethers!

Would you like to have a little knitty videochat on Zoom? I have been thinking of hosting these for a while, but the introvert in me was holding them off 😉 But now, I’ve decided to just host the first one and see how it goes!

What’s this?

For a Zoom Knit Together, you can join a video call with me and other members of my community, and chat about our current knitting and crochet projects. The videocall will be via Zoom, which you’ve probably all used by now. I’ll send out a link, and you can click the link and join. You don’t need to make any kind of account.

When is the first one?

The first one will be next week on Wednesday, February 9th, from 3pm to 4pm CET (Central European Time). My Zoom account lets me have 100 participants, if there are more people who want to join it’s first come, first serve!

Patreon Bonus

These Knit Together chats will be a bonus for my Patreon supporters, but for the very first Knit Together I will be sending the join link via my newsletter as well, so that my newsletter subscribers can also join and see what it’s like. Don’t want to miss out? Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter at the top right of this page.

On my Patreon page, I have lots of exclusive knitting tutorial videos and free downloadable PDF patterns. Patreon subscribers get instant access to masterclasses such as Colourwork Confidence, the Sweater Knit-a-Long series, Fixing common beginner mistakes, and much much more.


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