New Leaf Designs

New Masterclass coming this year: “Darn it! Visible Mending”

Visible mending

As you may know, I LOVE knitting socks. And I love wearing handknit socks even more! So naturally, a few years into making socks, a lot of my handknit pairs have holes in them. The ones shown in the picture above are not holes from wear and tear. To be honest I’m not quite sure how I got holes in the legs of my socks, I think they are most likely from moths or perhaps they snagged somewhere in the spindryer. Either way, I was excited to dive into a new skill: mending!

Whenever I gift people socks, I’m always excited if they bring them to me with holes in them. That means they’ve been used and loved! The gift recipients often feel bad about it, but I’m honestly just pleased the socks have been able to survive that many wears and washes without being felted – or worse: not worn!

Usually when darning socks, I tend to go for the visible mending route. Meaning that you can see the mended spot very clearly, as shown in the picture above. I think it adds to the charm of handmade items, and for starting out with mending it’s probably the safest too. If you are inexperienced at mending and try to do it invisibly, chances are that you will out and add a fun new colour to the mix?

“Darn it!” Masterclass

As soon as I was mending my first sock, I knew that probably one day I would be recording a tutorial video for it. And immediately, the name “Darn it!” popped up in my head. It seemed perfect! Because when you find a hole in your socks, you think “Eh, darn it..”, en then you have to “darn it”! Haha. I know, I find myself quite the comedic genius.

Anyhoo! Those of you who have seen some of my tutorial videos know I like to be thorough and cover every little detail about a certain technique. So instead of just one tutorial video, I am pretty sure I have enough material for an entire Masterclass! In this masterclass we will cover at least two techniques: duplicate stitch mending, and weave mending. As I prepare the masterclass there’s no doubt I will run into more things to add, so keep your eyes peeled!

Patreon page

This Masterclass will be coming later this year to my Patreon page. If you’re curious about my Patreon page and what kind of tutorial videos and masterclasses you can find there, go ahead and read this blogpost where I explain more about it. My tutorial videos are available from the Jonagold level, with additional benefits for the Golden Delicious, and Elstar tiers.

I can’t say for sure yet when I will have the Masterclass ready, since I still need to record it. In fact, I wasn’t sure whether to write about this masterclass yet at all, but then I did want to share some behind-the-scenes stuff with you all. If you are not part of my Patreon community yet, there are lots of tutorial videos to catch up on in the run up to this new Masterclass, so you’ll have lots of new techniques to learn! And as a bonus for my loyal patrons, we have a secret Facebook group too where we hang out and share what we’re up too. Will I see you there?

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