New Leaf Designs

How to cope with too many WIPs!

Do you suffer from castonitis? Do you have multiple WIP syndrome? Are you a project hoarder? Does this all sound familiar to you? Then I have some advice for you! If this all sounds like a big load of mumbo-jumbo to you, I’m referring to having so many crochet and/or knitting projects that’s it’s become overwhelming.

You want to cast on all the things, because let’s face it, you want to use that fluffy new yarn you got last week, or you are desperate to cast on the pattern that is SO hot right now and everyone is knitting it! I know the feeling, and as a result I have a huge amount of works-in-progress (WIPs) that lay around in my craft studio, seeming to judge me as I look at them. It puts a lot of stress on you, and makes you feel bad about wanting to cast on something new!

Find the pattern for this square here Vind het patroon voor dit vierkantje hier

Fear not, because I’ve assembled a whole list of tips and tricks you can try, to hopefully get that WIP count down to a reasonable amount. It’s all about finding a way to motivate yourself! Alright, so let’s get on with that list, shall we? 😉

  1. If you have multiple WIPs you want to work on, strive to only choose 1 per day, and I mean only work on that chosen WIP for that day! Getting a lot done on a single project is so much more satisfying than having small progress on multiple WIPs.
  2. If you have an easy to-go project, for example a simple stockinette sock or simple granny squares, avoid working on it at home where you could be working on WIPs that require more attention. Instead, work on those easy projects during lunch breaks at work, while riding in the car or taking a train, or while watching TV for example.
  3. Try (and I mean REALLY try) not to cast on any more projects, or at least follow some simple rules. For example: finish 2 WIPs before casting on something new. Or: Finish a shawl before casting on another one.
  4. Participate in CAL/KALs that accept WIPs to motivate yourself. For example, try the CleanSlateKAL hosted by Caitlin from the Wooljewel Podcast!
  5. If all else fails… or if you’re simply not feeling the project anymore: FROG IT!! It will make you feel so good to finally let go of that project that was just draining your energy and not giving you any joy.



I hope you find these tips useful, and that they will help you to start the new year fresh! Now go ahead and get rid of all those languishing WIPs, yay! Do you have any more tips or tricks? Please share them with me below as I’d love to expand this list!

Here’s a WIP of mine that I’ve recently finished! It felt so good to get this off my knitting needles, because at the end there were more than 800 stitches on each row! Woah… You can imagine my excitement when I finally finished it. The pattern is called the Speckle and Pop Shawl by Stephen West, and was brought out as a Mystery Knit-A-Long last Octobre.


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