1: Het is belangrijk dat je op je blog altijd positief schrijft, en niet zeurt! Ik heb dat ook wel eens gezien bij andere blogs, en zo schrik je lezers echt af. Niet doen dus!
2: Als je je producten aan winkels doorverkoopt, vermenigvuldigen zij jouw prijs met ongeveer 2,2. Dit moet je er voor je eigen verkoop dus ook al bijrekenen, anders ligt het met verschillende prijzen in de winkels. Kleine boetiekjes handelen vaak een gunstigere prijs.
3: Mooie foto’s zijn het allerbelangrijkst! Investeer in mooie achtergronden, al is het maar een groot vel wit karton van het postkantoor.
It’s Wednesday again! Boy, time sure does fly. Just a week ago I was chatting away with the other contestants for the Mollie Makes Handmade Awards, it seems like yesterday to me! I’ll post the pictures soon, promise. This weekend I was reading the book we received last week, “Making It!” by Mollie Makes. Full of useful advice! I’ll share a few of my favourite tips:
1: Don’t ever moan or be negative in blogposts, it repels your readers! I’ve seen some bloggers acting negatively in their posts, and I sure agree with this piece of advice. Of course, you don’t have to fake happiness, but try not to complain.
2: If you sell your products to stores, they usually multiply your price by 2.2. Make sure you calculate this mark-up in your own sales as well, so that the sale price is the same in all shops.
3: Be sure to take pretty pictures of your items! You don’t have to spend big bucks on a nice background, a large white sheet of paper will do!
Over the weekend I also knit up this new bag! Quick crafting makes me happy 🙂 I used linen stitch for the back and front, and I crocheted the err.. flap? The top bit? Anyway. The white yarn is organic yarn by BettaKnit. They don’t stock this particular one anymore, but they have lots of other ecofriendly yarn! The kind of mustard-yellow yarn is by Kim Smith from Art Equals Happy! Gosh I loved meeting that girl, I wish we could hang out again!
The yarn is handspun and hand dyed! What more could you possibly want? I also adore the handdrawn label, so cute! Find more yarn in her shop.
I’m also making this doily from the Mollie Makes: Crochet book! Loving it so far.
And finally some colourful inspiration for you! With birds of course. Enjoy!