It’s work-in-progress over here, which means I’m going to show you what I’ve been up to! I’m working on so many things at once, but all of them are fun. First off, some more pictures of my latest embroidery project. I found an old doily with butterfly motif at the thrift store, and I decided to jazz it up a little bit. If you’re curious, check out this post to see what it looked like before. For inspiration, I searched for pictures of embroidered butterflies, but they were all so amazing and looking very complicated. So instead, I’m using a couple of simple stitches.
The yellow circle uses satin stitch which I think is still a bit difficult. Good practice for me! You’ll see the chain stitch in mint green, french knots in red, and some simple stitches on pieces of felt. My favourite is the chain stitch since it’s very easy to do and it fills up a large surface. Have you embroidered before? Let me know in the comments!
I’ve also made some more owls using the pattern I published earlier this week. Usually I’m more into pastel colours, but I love these little owls nonetheless! The one on the right is delightfully Dutch with a subtle red-white-blue colour palette. By the way, do you like my nailpolish? It’s so easy to do with a nail dotting pen, and even looks cute without a base coat. Plus, you don’t see it as easily when your nailpolish chips!
In de Engelse Simply Crochet (nummer 15) stond dit leuke patroontje voor een gehaakte ketting. Meestal vind ik de patronen in de Simply Crochet wat oubollig, of je hebt er veel garen voor nodig. Maar deze sprong er voor mij meteen uit! De rondjes haak je met borduurgaren, en laat ik nu net nog een behoorlijke voorraad over hebben van een keer kringloopshoppen in Rotterdam met medeblogger Mei (lees hier alles over ons shoptripje!). In het patroon stond dat je de strengen borduurdraad dubbel moet nemen, maar dat vond ik wel erg zonde! Sowieso is een streng borduurgaren na 2 rondes al op. Dus toen maar met een enkele streng gedaan (let wel: van 6-dradig borduurgaren), en ik vind het er zo ook prima uitzien! Het randje eromheen haakte ik met 2 borduurdraadjes en een dunne katoendraad.
The English version of Simply Crochet (issue 15) had this cute pattern for a crochet necklace. I love that it doesn’t require a lot of yarn, and it looks quite stylish too. I’m making this necklace with embroidery thread, I had quite a stash from my last trip to the thrift store.
The crochet rounds are joined together with jumprings, I had exactly the right amount, lucky me! Now I only need to get the chain to actually finish this necklace.
The pattern is now also available on the website of the designer, Maya Kuzman. Follow this link to the pattern!
Zijn jullie de laatste tijd ook nog heerlijk crafty bezig geweest?
I made this cute apple for a returning customer of my Dawanda shop (now closed). I thought it was so lovely to get a new order from someone who had shopped with me before, so I thought to add a little something for them. You can find the pattern for this apple applique on this blog.