Adventures with my first sewing machine

Adventures with my first sewing machine

My first sewing machine

Hi everyone! If you’ve been following me on Instagram, or have been subscribed to my newsletter, you’ll know that I’ve been trying out my first sewing machine! It’s my very first sewing machine and I’m so happy with it. Think of all the project bags and dresses and leggings I could make..

my first sewing machine, Janome DC3018

It’s a Janome DC3018, and I got this particular one because it has a stretch stitch, which is invaluable if you’re working with jersey/tricot fabric. Regular stitching will snap when you pull on the fabric, but the stretch stitch – well – stretches!

Excuse the bad pictures by the way, it was nighttime and I was too excited to wait!

Cath Kidston Sewing Book

Cath Kidston Sewing Book

When I posted the previous photo to Instagram, a couple people asked me which book I’m using, and it’s this one by Cath Kidston. I got it at a Dutch bookstore 2 or 3 years ago. I found some still available online (also in English), so if you’re interested I’ve put some affiliate links down below:

Amazon – Cath Kidston Sewing Book, various listings: HERE and HERE.

I haven’t been able to find a reasonably priced Dutch version anymore, but perhaps your local Boekenvoordeel still has a copy!

my first sewing project - small washbag

I made a thing!

As a total sewing beginner I tried out a lot of stitches on some old fabrics. Then it was time for my first ‘proper’ sewing project! In the book by Cath Kidston there’s a fun washbag that I wanted to recreate. I only had a short zipper so I had to modify it a little bit. Someone recommended a project bag pattern from the blog Betsy Makes and it’s very similar, so if you can’t get your hands on the book have a look here.

It was VERY challenging for me and I got a lot of stuff wrong at first. For example, you’re supposed to cut 2 small squares out of the bottom corners, and I sewed them together the wrong way, ha! Luckily with sewing you can rip out stitches with a handy seam ripper so I was able to fix most mistakes. As you can see in the photo above, the zipper I used has a cute lace detail. I got it YEARS ago at a Daiso Store in Japan, and luckily I still have a few more. I meant to sew the zipper in place so that the lace shows on the outside, but I didn’t really know how to make that work yet. There’s always a next time!

Trying out a little patchwork

Then I wanted to play with some of these fabrics that my boyfriend got for me, aren’t they cute! He got them from Stoffen Hemmers, find their Dutch website HERE and their English website HERE if you want to order a fun bundle for yourself. The pieces in the picture are already cut, the original fabric pieces were 30 x 65 cm.

I decided to cut them into smaller pieces so I could make a patchwork sewing machine cover with them! The sewing machine cover in the book uses big pieces of fabric so I had to figure out how to sew them together to make a piece big enough so I could follow the pattern.

sewing machine cover project


After lots and lots of sewing, ironing (eek!) and ripping out seams and trying again, here she is! The cover turned out a little bit too big, but this means it will fit over the hard cover as well. The top corners were especially difficult! I have to admit I left one or two holes there to figure out later. Again – sorry for the crappy lighting but I was too excited to share!

I’m already looking forward to my next sewing project! Do you know how to sew? What are your favourite things to make?

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  1. Monique Koomans
    July 9, 2020 at 10:43 am — Reply

    Hoi Carmen,
    Wat leuk dat je ook begint met naaien. Ik ben ook nog een beginner. Toevallig heb ik een paar jaar geleden precies hetzelfde boek gekocht. En mijn eerste project was ook een projecttas.
    Haha, super toevallig.
    Het is er de laatste tijd niet van gekomen, ik hoop dat ik snel weer wat kan maken.
    Groetjes Monique

    • July 10, 2020 at 11:19 am — Reply

      Hoi Monique! Oh wat toevallig allemaal! Ik begin het echt leuk te vinden, hopelijk kun je er ook weer tijd voor vinden 🙂 Binnenkort neem ik de naaimachine zelfs mee op vakantie haha, moet niet gekker worden.. maar hopelijk kom ik thuis met tenminste één nieuwe legging!
      Groetjes Carmen

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Adventures with my first sewing machine